Sometimes difficult mornings end up smoothing itself out into tender afternoons. Through music, tea, and a genuine embrace, things do iron out for the day. As an adopted person, feelings of loss about “what could’ve been” with biologicals is a real thing, a constant thing for me. The body remembers so much about what the mind can’t carry. Sometimes the crucial work is to know how to self-parent not the Hallmark versions of self-care and “H”ealing. To me, healing is not a goal but a mark to which where one begins. I prefer to shift, move, and work with whatever it is that is too bright or hovering. It is there I find a valley of clarity between the inhale and the out. I prefer to be sheltered not saved. I prefer tenderness over kindness. I choose to tell people they matter before I say I love them. It’s good to remember the bones behind the skin. It’s good to locate the stars scattered inside each and every one of us. Sometimes, it’s good to kiss our own palms to see we are a cut from a giant human jewel.


Listening to A Single Wish –

